Friday 20 September 2013

"Star Trek Into Darkness" (Movie Critique) #Spoilers #II (II- Irrelevant Information)


I really liked the first Star Trek reboot, I am a big fan of J.J. Abrams (#II- Felicity anyone?! or Alias) and I thought it was a very entertaining movie. So naturally I was thrilled that they were making another one.

First thing, it's still funny (every time Simon Pegg appears on screen he's hilarious), and I love when Karl Urban says the famous line of Dr. McCoy "I'm A doctor, not a...." (in this case it was a torpedo technician). Overall it was a very enjoyable movie, I thought it was even better than the first (of course it has its problem- the continuing of the "Lens Flares", some illogical things like the enterprise getting a lot of shots by a much powerful ship and somehow surviving it and more. (#II- of course that is the power of cinema/movies, they can do whatever they like, it isn't real!!)

Second thing is Benedict Cumberbatch, as Khan, an excellent bad guy , but for some bizarre reason (his acting of course) you find yourself really liking him and relating and understanding him until he goes all mental and tries to kill everyone and so on (that is of course after he think his entire "family" is lost- so indeed he has a reason to be angry) . Anyway, returning to my obsession with this actor, I seriously think his voice as Khan is very intense and somewhat seductive.

Information about the movie:
Name: Star Trek Into Darkness
Director: J.J. Abrams (#II- anyone else looking forward to his Star Wars VII?!)
Rating: 9.5/10. A really good movie, enjoyable and funny. Just go so you'll hear Benedict says "I am Better" and prepare to hyperventilate. #II-I wonder how would John Watson react to his voice (a nod to the fact that every fandom about Sherlock is on Watson and Sherlock's love or Benedict's and Martin Freeman's :) )

*Image courtesy of Collider.